Monday, September 14, 2015

WIF : Options for client-side SAML stack

Working with a customer who had developed a .NET 3.5 client side SAML-P stack.

It was buggy and too cumbersome to maintain. Also, the stack acted as a kind of R-STS in that it had various SAML connections to other IDP that it managed.

So what alternatives do they have:
  • Keep SAML - purchase a commercial stack
  • Keep SAML client side - purchase a commercial stack - move the IDP connections to ADFS - communicate to ADFS via SAML
  • Keep SAML client side - use OWIN SAML (Community - not developed by Microsoft) - move the IDP connections to ADFS - communicate to ADFS via SAML
  • Ditch SAML client side - use WIF - move the IDP connections to ADFS - communicate to ADFS via WS Federation
  • Ditch SAML client side - use OWIN WS Federation - move the IDP connections to ADFS - communicate to ADFS via WS Federation
Just adding ADFS to the mix increases the security about a zillion per cent.

Also it allows mix and matching of metadata i.e. the client and IDP side's metadata does not have to match - essentially ADFS acts as a bridge.

And it future proofs the solution in that now that ADFS is in the mix, you now have social, Azure AD, ACS etc.


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