Friday, July 28, 2017

ASP.NET : Misused header name. Make sure request headers are used

The full error is:

Misused header name. Make sure request headers are used with HttpRequestMessage, response headers with HttpResponseMessage, and content headers with HttpContent objects.

This is when I use HttpClient with .NET 4.5 and try something like:

client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Contact-Type", ...);

And so began a long and painful journey to figure out to to fix this because the external web API wouldn't work without "Content-Type" as a header.

There is so much garbage out there :-(

After some research, Content-Type is part of Content - the name pretty much implies that - so use HttpContent.

using (var client = new HttpClient())
  // Adding contentType to client as header gives "Misused header name. Make   sure request headers are used 
with HttpRequestMessage, response headers with HttpResponseMessage, and content headers with HttpContent 
  // objects."

  client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", "Bearer abc...123");

  HttpResponseMessage response;
  // Construct an HttpContent from the data
  HttpContent hc = new StringContent(data);
  hc.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/json");
  response = client.PostAsync(baseAddress, hc).Result;

  var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Git : Publish causes problems

Git in VS 2015 is driving me insane!

When I publish the applications, I get a whole lot of build files etc. in the Git changes folder.

This is despite these files being in the .gitignore.

Undoing the changes does nothing. The changes still sit in the folder.

Then I figured out that:

git reset --hard

gets rid of everything.

Always check with:

git status 

before and after and always ensure you are on the correct branch.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Git : Using Beyond Compare with the Bash shell

This post shows how to set up Git Bash.

There is a diff in Git but it's the Unix style showing one side and then the other in text and it's hard to understand. I like visual indicators in a GUI which is where BC comes in.

So first we need to tell Bash where BC is:

$ PATH=$PATH:/c/'Program Files/Beyond Compare 4'

Test this by typing:


and you should get the BC GUI coming up.

Tell Git to use BC for diff.

$ git config --global diff.tool bc

Now compare a file on two branches.

$ git difftool branch1  branch1 -- somepath/Index.cshtml

Viewing (1/1): 'somepath/Index.cshtml'
Launch 'bc' [Y/n]? y

BC will now launch showing the text wizard differences for Index.cshtml between the two branches.

So much cleaner and more readable.

The Bash prompt will stay open until you close BC.


Monday, July 17, 2017

VS : Cannot pull because there are uncommitted changes

Using VS 2015.

The full error is:

"Cannot pull because there are uncommitted changes. Commit or undo your changes before pulling again. See the Output window for details."

So annoying. This happens a lot when trying to pull.

Install Git Bash.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory where your project is and right click.

$ git status
On branch somebranch


Check you are on the right branch. You will get messages about the difference with master.


 $ git pull

Back to VS. Now you get a message about files being updated outside of VS.

Just "Reload all".

Job done!


Thursday, July 13, 2017

ADFS : A SQL operation in the ADFS configuration database failed

The full error is:

A SQL operation in the AD FS configuration database with connection string Data Source=np:\\.\pipe\microsoft##wid\tsql\query;Initial Catalog=AdfsConfigurationV3;Integrated Security=True failed.

Event ID: 352.

This was on Server 2016 with WID after I had done a Windows update.

The normal Google collection of mostly useless information when I searched.

The ADFS service was stopped. Restarting it just gave errors.

Then I came across a post where the user had restarted the "Windows Internal Database" service first.

I tried that - took a while - and then got an error message.

But when I looked at the status of the service it was running.

Restarting the ADFS service then worked - Hallelujah!

And the next thing I did was backup the database with the AD FS Rapid Restore Tool :-)


ADFS : Pop-ups on the HRD / login and change password screens

This was inspired by a post over on the forum.

This is for Server 2012 R2 and 2016.

Full customisation wrap here.

The code you add to onload.js would be something like:

if ( document.getElementById("hrdArea") ) {
        window.alert("Some message");

This would only pop-up on the HRD screen.

This is a JavaScript Alert.

A Confirm would let the user enter "OK" or "Cancel". (What would the point be?).

A Prompt would let the user enter a value but you wouldn't be able to use it other than maybe further customising the screen.

Note: Use at own risk.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

ADFS : Adding default password rules to the Change and Update Password pages

Continuing the series on customising the ADFS HRD, login and password pages.

This is for Server 2012 R2 and 2016.

There's a full wrap here.

I see continual problems when users have to pick a new password because they are not sure of the actual validation rules detailed in the AD group password policy.

So it would be useful to give them some guidelines.

The change to onload.js is:

if ( document.getElementById("updatePasswordArea") ) {
    if ( document.getElementById("introduction") ) {
        document.getElementById("introduction").innerHTML = "<br/><b>Default Password Rules</b><br/><br/><ul><li>At least 12 characters</li><li>At least one capital & one lower case letter and at least one number (0-9) and / or symbol (e.g. !, $, #, %, @)</li></ul><br/><br/>"

This gives:


Monday, July 10, 2017

ADFS : Removing the copyright notice - the easy way

This is for Server 2012 R2 / 2016.

I've done a series of articles on customising the login, HRD and change password screens here.

The official article for removing the copyright notice is here.

This involves updating the .css file etc.

Following the procedure in my posts, there is an easier way.

Just update the onload.js.

if ( document.getElementById("copyright") ) {
    document.getElementById("copyright").innerHTML = "";
