Monday, October 30, 2017

Visual Studio : Unable to connect to web server IIS Express

This is with VS 2017.

I was looking at a .NET Core project and wanted to change from http to https.

So under Properties / Debug, I checked the "Enable SSL" checkbox.

This changes the port so I then did a copy / replace of the old port to the new one and changed the URL to https e.g.

http://localhost:5000 became https://localhost:44326

Then I got "Unable to connect to web server IIS Express".

Consulted with Mr. Google.

The solution that worked for me was to:
  • Close the VS project
  • In File Explorer, navigate to the project and delete the entire ".vs" folder
  • Restart the project
  • Run as "Debug"
  • Works
Apparently, it has something to do with the "applicationhost.config" file.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Azure : Weird problem with OAuth timing

Came across a head-scratcher recently.

Using OpenID Connect / OAuth against Azure AD, authentication would always fail and then work if you retried two minutes later. Before that, retries would consistently fail.

WTF? What is the significance of two minutes?

Mr. Google to the rescue and came across a similar problem in SAML-P.

The problem here was that the two servers clocks were not synchronised. The token has start / end parameters for the validity of the token and any time outside of these is considered invalid and hence the token is rejected. (You can fix this via the skew parameter),

The OAuth JWT token has similar fields viz.

iat - Issued at
nbf - Not before

Checking the respective server's times, this would indeed the problem :-)

And you guessed it - the server's times were two minutes apart!


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

IdentityServer : WS-Fed metadata imported into ADFS

I've been looking at Identity server 4 (idsrv4) just to have a play with it.

This runs on .NET Core which I something else I need to get up to speed on.

There is also a WS-Fed plug-in which I got working and tried to hook up to ADFS as an exercise.

The metadata endpoint is:


and when I tried to import this into ADFS, I got the normal:

"Metadata contains some features not supported by ADFS" warning.

Now this could be because the metadata contains a SAML profile that ADFS doesn't support - PAOS being an example.

But 999 out of 1000 times, it's because the endpoints are "http" not "https".

Looking at the metadata, this is indeed the case.

This means that although the entry is added to ADFS, it has no endpoints so it will never work.

You can't just edit the metadata because it's signed and you'll get a signing error when you try and import the updated file.

You can delete the whole "Signature" section in the XML if you want. Do this at your own risk - normal best practice security applies :-).

The other way is to update the metadata when it's generated. There is no metadata file - it's dynamically generated every time.

You can do this in the "Properties".

Select the "Enable SSL" check box. IIS Express generates a new endpoint as above so now you have to replace all the instances of:


with the https endpoint as above.

This also means that you need to change this address in any of the client samples.

The new metadata imports without issues.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

ADFS : PowerShell cmdlet - parameter PolicyMetadata

Another question on the forum around the format of PowerShell parameters.

This one was around PolicyMetadata.

Get-AdfsAccessControlPolicy -Name "Demo"

Name           : Demo
Identifier     : Demo
IsBuiltIn      : False
RpUsageCount   : 0
LastUpdateTime : 10/10/2017 7:22:00 PM
Description    :
PolicyMetadata : RequireFreshAuthentication:False
                   Permit everyone
AssignedTo     : {} 

Now if you copy / paste the metadata into a file and then run:

New-AdfsAccessControlPolicy -Name "DemoOne" -PolicyMetadataFile c:\Filename

you get all kinds of errors.

Looking at the errors e.g. "Root error" made me think that the format wasn't JSON, rather XML.

Which means that it is almost impossible to guess the element names etc.

So Mr. Google to the rescue and a long time later, I came across:

(Get-AdfsAccessControlPolicy -Name "Permit everyone").PolicyMetadata | fl *

which displays:

IsParameterized : False
Serialized      : <PolicyMetadata xmlns:i=""
                          <Condition i:type="AlwaysCondition">
                            <Values />
Summary         : RequireFreshAuthentication:False
                    Permit everyone
ExtensionData   : System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject

Putting that into a file e.g.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<PolicyMetadata xmlns:i=""
                    <Condition i:type="AlwaysCondition">
                        <Values />

and then running the command works!

I suggest running:


which displays them all and then look at the XML formats to get some hints as to the XML format.


Saturday, October 07, 2017

ADFS : PowerShell cmdlet - parameter is an array

Over on the forum, there was a question around a parameter in the cmdlet that accepts multiple options as an array i.e.

"-RedirectUriSpecifies an array of redirection URIs for the OAuth 2.0 client to register with AD FS".

The question was around the format of the array since that is not specified.

Looking at another example:

Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust -TargetName claimapp -ClaimsProviderName @("Fabrikam","Active Directory")

the array is of the form:

@("Fabrikam","Active Directory")


Thursday, October 05, 2017

OAuth2 : Displaying JWT tokens

The standard way that I've been looking at and debugging with JWT tokens is via:

Now, Microsoft have come to the party with:

It starts off with

Then you copy / paste the ID token and it will display the details.

You can see the standard attributes:

or the same thing as claims rules (if this is a more familiar format for you).

And it gives you a bit of extra context.
