Monday, April 29, 2013

WCF : Different flavours of ADFS

Playing around with the active profile in ADFS – quite a different beast to the passive one!

There are essentially two WCF flavours viz.

1) A simple WCF connection protected by ADFS with hard-coded credentials e.g.

ServiceClient sc = new ServiceClient();
if (sc.ClientCredentials != null)
    sc.ClientCredentials.SupportInteractive = false;

    sc.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = "user";
    sc.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = "password";

In this case, the claim will always have the same information; the configured attributes for the hard coded user.

2) Using the WCF web service in a an “ActAs” scenario.

There are examples of this in the Training Kit and the WIF SDK (note we are talking WIF 1.0 here). These invariably use the CreateChannelActingAs method.

Dominick has a slightly different approach – refer Requesting Delegation (ActAs) Tokens using WSTrustChannel (as opposed to Configuration Madness).

Here the WCF claim will have the attributes of the logged-in user i.e.

The application is protected by ADFS using the passive profile. The user logins to the application in the normal manner. The application calls a WCF web service using the active profile using ActAs.

This possibly offers another level of security.

Assume the web service is:

DoSomething (string userName).

With the first flavour, you have to pass the user name since the claim is of no use. However, with the second flavour, you can simply call:

DoSomething ()

and get the userName from the claim.

Of course, that does somewhat muddy the water if you want to call the web service from something like Java but that’s another story.


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