Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Azure B2C : Custom policies with ADFS

Azure AD B2C has custom policies in preview that enable you to add extra IDP / social to B2C via an "Identity Framework" that is a collection of XML files that document standards, orchestrations, user journeys etc.

Using this you can add providers that use either SAML or OpenID Connect.

So ADFS 4.0 was a good candidate for OIDC.

As per my SO question:

"I have ADFS 4.0 on an Azure VM and am trying to add ADFS as a provider to my Azure AD B2C tenant.

I have set up all the custom policies.

I am using OpenID Connect as the protocol.

My ADFS SSL certificate is self-signed and I have certificate rollover for the encryption and signing certificates.

The error I get in Application Insights is: 

Exception {"Kind":"Handled","HResult":"80131501",
"Message":"The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.","Data":{}} Kind Handled HResult 80131501 
Message The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.

I battled for hours trying to get this to work before asking the question.

Turns out:

"Your ADFS needs to have a valid SSL cert signed by the standard Certificate Authorities in order for Azure AD B2C to communicate with it".

So no self-signed. As this was a proof on concept, I'm not intending to go out and buy a certificate. This is further complicated by the fact that you can't buy a certificate for!

Tip - to debug the custom policies you need Application Insights. Without that, your chances of solving the issues are effectively zero.


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