Thursday, July 13, 2017

ADFS : A SQL operation in the ADFS configuration database failed

The full error is:

A SQL operation in the AD FS configuration database with connection string Data Source=np:\\.\pipe\microsoft##wid\tsql\query;Initial Catalog=AdfsConfigurationV3;Integrated Security=True failed.

Event ID: 352.

This was on Server 2016 with WID after I had done a Windows update.

The normal Google collection of mostly useless information when I searched.

The ADFS service was stopped. Restarting it just gave errors.

Then I came across a post where the user had restarted the "Windows Internal Database" service first.

I tried that - took a while - and then got an error message.

But when I looked at the status of the service it was running.

Restarting the ADFS service then worked - Hallelujah!

And the next thing I did was backup the database with the AD FS Rapid Restore Tool :-)



Anonymous said...

Thank you - This helped me! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks - a helpful post that reminded me of the Windows Internal Database service.

Anonymous said...

Thanks much dude. This helped me too.

Anonymous said...

This helped! thanks

Anonymous said...

thank you. that works

Anonymous said...

I pretty much doubt that this would work, especially since I rebooted the server before. But I tried it and you know what, it worked. Thank you.

Bob Young said...

Reboot new fixed issue but restarting the Windows Internal Database service first did! Thank you! have spent 4 hours working on this issue. Have been able to recreate the issue on Server 2019 ADFS servers.

Emily M said...

Saved me too - thank you!