Tuesday, June 06, 2017

ADFS : Adding extra text to the HRD screen IDP description

This is for Home Realm Discovery for Server 2012 R2 or 2016 (ADFS 3.0 or 4.0).

Building on from @Pierre's ADFS 2016 – Change the Active Directory claim provider display name in the Home Realm Discovery page.

As per that article, the IDP name is coded in the JavaScript as:

var strADCPName = "Corp Users" ;

What you can do is add a line of text beneath it:

var strADCPName = "Corp Users <br/><small>(Add some text here to suit)</small>" ;

This displays something like:

Because of the HTML there are only a limited amount of characters you can add but it is a neat way to add a better description.

If you are wondering how to change the icon (I just used a random one), refer:

ADFS : You can change anything in the Theme structure


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