Wednesday, January 18, 2017

WebAPI : Using Swagger and Postman with multiple POST

I've been busy on a WebAPI project where I need multiple POST actions in a a WebAPI controller.

There's a ton of stuff around best practice for this - some say each controller should only have one POST; others disagree.

I finally decided to break the controllers up by category and then within each controller have multiple POST functions.

I also added Swagger via Swashbuckle and used Postman for some unit tests so I thought I would write this all up.

As an example, I have a Maths controller with Add and Multiply.

The controller:

using MathsWebAPI.Models;
using System.Web.Http;

namespace MathsWebAPI.Controllers
    public class MathsController : ApiController
        // POST: api/Maths
        public int Add([FromBody] Maths info)
            int number1 = info.number1;
            int number2 = info.number2;

            return (number1 + number2);

        // POST: api/Maths
        public int Multiply([FromBody] Maths info)
            int number1 = info.number1;
            int number2 = info.number2;

            return (number1 * number2);

Note that I am passing in a model object as I have multiple parameters.

The model object:

namespace MathsWebAPI.Models
    public class Maths
        public int number1 { get; set; }

        public int number2 { get; set; }

The WebAPIConfig.cs:

using System.Web.Http;

namespace MathsWebAPI
    public static class WebApiConfig
        public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
            // Web API configuration and services

            // Web API routes

                name: "DefaultApi",
                routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
                defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

                name: "ControllerAndAction",
                routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new {id = RouteParameter.Optional}

In SwaggerConfig.cs, uncomment:


to avoid the error message.

Now if I navigate to:


where 44571 is my IIS Express port

I see:

Now if you click the yellow area, it will populate the "Info" box with the model object format and you just have to fill in the values.

Click "Try it out" and you see:

 Note the URL is:


Now if we add Postman, the commands are in this gist.

Running the script, we see:


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