Thursday, January 07, 2016

OWIN : ASP.NET MVC application with multiple authentication options

There are many questions over at stackoverflow around this.

I have Forms Based Authentication (FBA) but I want to add other providers as well.

In WIF days, this was really difficult to do since WIF added events into the events pipeline.

With the advent of OWIN, this is a whole lot easier.

Assume you have ASP.NET Identity but you also want social (e.g. Facebook)  and WS-Fed and SAMLp. (p for the protocol as opposed to the token)

My starting point was Code! MVC 5 App with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google OAuth2 Sign-on (C#).

I wasn't that interested in the social side - my interest was more the enterprise federation and I used Active Directory Federation services (ADFS) v3.0 as my IDP. This supports both WS-Fed and SAML.

The key point in creating the project is to leave "Change Authentication" as "Individual User Accounts". This gives you ASP.NET Identity as a starting point.

You need the following NuGet packages:




The code in Startup.Auth.CS looks like:

// Uncomment the following lines to enable logging in with third party login providers

    clientId: "1234",
    clientSecret: "1234");

    consumerKey: "1234",
    consumerSecret: "1234");

    appId: "1234",
    appSecret: "1234");

app.UseGoogleAuthentication(new GoogleOAuth2AuthenticationOptions()
    ClientId = "1234",
    ClientSecret = "1234"

var adfs = new WsFederationAuthenticationOptions
    AuthenticationType = "Federation",
    Caption = "ADFS WS-Fed",
    MetadataAddress = "https://xxx/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml",
    Wtrealm = "urn:owinmultirp"


var authServicesOptions = new KentorAuthServicesAuthenticationOptions(false)
    SPOptions = new SPOptions
        EntityId = new EntityId("https://xxx/OWINMultiAuthWebApplication/saml/")

    AuthenticationType = "KentorAuthServices",
    Caption = "ADFS - SAML2p",

Uri metadataURI = new Uri("https://xxx/federationmetadata/2007-06/federationmetadata.xml");

authServicesOptions.IdentityProviders.Add(new IdentityProvider(
    new EntityId("http://xxx/adfs/services/trust"),
        MetadataUrl = metadataURI,
        LoadMetadata = true,


You need the following includes:

    using Kentor.AuthServices;
    using Kentor.AuthServices.Owin;
    using System.IdentityModel.Metadata;

So there is just the one application but on the ADFS side we need to configure two RP; one for WS-Fed and one for SAML. Logically, ADFS thinks there are two separate applications.

There is no metadata so ADFS configuration has to be done manually.


Set identifier to:


Set endpoint to:

    https://xxx/OWINMultiAuthWebApplication/ or whatever for your app.

Set up claims rules as per IdentityServer : ASP.NET MVC application to idsrv3 to ADFS.


Set identifier to:


Set endpoint as per:

Under the "Advanced" tab, set the "Secure Hash Algorithm" to SHA-1.

Set up claims rules as per IdentityServer : ASP.NET MVC application to idsrv3 to ADFS.

Just to reiterate - you must have a NameID claim for both protocols.

Login screen

Run up the application and you should see something like:

So now you have FBA plus a whole host of other options - all in the same application!



Unknown said...

Thanks for posting, I've learnt a lot of ADFS interoperability from your posts.

Just a small comment on the metadata: AuthServices does expose metadata. In the example it would be on the https:/xxx/OWINMultiAuthWebApplication/AuthServices/ address. It is also a convention (but no requirement) to use that address as the EntityId, to make the metadata easier to find.

nzpcmad said...

Me bad! Yes - you could import this into ADFS.

The WS-Fed one doesn't have metadata though.

nzpcmad said...

"Can i get the source code of the example. I need to authenticate against ADFS and Shibboleth. Need guidance"

The code is in the link in the article (Code! MVC 5 App with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google OAuth2 Sign-on (C#)) plus the changes I detailed in Startup.Auth.CS.

Unknown said...

Just a question, isn't there any library from microsoft that implements the protocol?
I mean my use case is quite common, I need to tweek my Service provider to be respond to IDP-initited SAMl.

am I wrong ? am I missing something?


Unknown said...

Just a question, isn't there any library from microsoft that implements the protocol?
I mean my use case is quite common, I need to tweek my Service provider to be respond to IDP-initited SAMl.

am I wrong ? am I missing something?


nzpcmad said...

No - there is no official Microsoft client-side SAML-P protocol stack.

There are other libraries - refer

Tika01 said...

Hello sir, I am looking for a big help. Clinet sent me the SAML2 metadata file to implement SSO. could you please help me how to do it. I did use your Kentor MVC but I am confuse what is the use of .pfx and .cer file. I don't have that files. Should I make that from metadata.xml file?. Here us the metadata.







MIIF6DCCBNCgAwIBAgIQIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly9zcy5zeW1AAOCAQEAWVXCNpPQ2ZwbKezcGzCsrmdZKGzbczisVfQnvC24K4AVxOK2gIn4tKqMVhBJ63WM9Xeo ..........................











nzpcmad said...

Sorry, I didn't write Kentor.

Normally, you import the metadata. The certificates are all inside the metadata (or should be).

What client software are you using? What IDP are you using?

Tika01 said...

Thank you for your reply. there is certification info in metadata file. but id Metadata file enough to implement sso? I don't know any other thing. I guess PingIdentity is the IDP provider.

nzpcmad said...

Client side you need a SAML stack e.g. Kentor. Others here : Kentor has good documentation on how to use it.