Monday, June 15, 2015

SAML : Federating with Azure Active Directory using SAML

This is SAML-P (the protocol) as opposed to SAML (the token).

There are a number of questions around about how you do this with AAD.

The official documentation SAML Protocol Reference is not very helpful but then I came across this:

Set up a trust between Shibboleth and Azure AD

The trick seems to be some "missing" documentation i.e. in:

Set-MsolDomainAuthentication   ,,, -PreferredAuthenticationProtocol SAMLP

Applying Mr. Google to "PreferredAuthenticationProtocol" bought me to:

Office 365 Supports SAML 2     and

Office 365 - Switching the federation protocol to SAML from WS-Federation

Note: Office 365 runs on top of AAD.

No idea why the documentation lacks this key element?


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