Monday, August 15, 2011

IIS : IE missing “Install Certificate” button on “View Certificates”


It’s a common problem with IE. You access a site and get a certificate error and get the pink address bar when you access the site. The solution is to install the certificate into the “Trusted Root CA” certificate store.

You normally do that by clicking the padlock icon to the right of the address bar then “View Certificates” and then clicking the “Install Certificate” button. Lately, I've come across some instances where the button is missing in action. WTF?

Mr. Google to the rescue and the solution is to right-click the IE icon on the desktop and select “Run as administrator”. (In other words, IE needs to be run as Administrator).

And then there was sweetness and light and verily the button doth appear!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for that, I could have been scratching for hours working that one out.

Anonymous said...

Another anonymous poster says thanks for figuring it for the rest of us!

Kirk Java said...

Thank you for this quick tip, saved me lot of time.

Kirk Java said...

Thank you for saving us lot of time

Kirk Java said...

Thank you for this quick tip, saved me lot of time.

Unknown said...

Awesome! Thankyou!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this! Yet another place MS could help us out by just putting a message saying "You'll need administrative rights to install this certificate"

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I was so confused.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, it does help!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!! This saves me a lot of time.

Jen Latham said...

Great post, thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi. One question - it seems the Run As Admin option is not listed in the right click list when the Windows login account does not have the admin privlege. Any other option? thanks/david

nzpcmad said...

You'll just have to do it manually.

Anonymous said...

but it only works for that user and the other user is not an administrator... :(

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot!
It saved me today.