Friday, May 12, 2017

ADFS : Augmenting the default JWT with additional attributes

This is for Server 2016 - ADFS 4.0.

The standard use case is for an ASP.NET application using OpenID Connect / OAuth via the NuGet OWIN packages taking to ADFS.

The standard way is to configure a server application as above.

This all works . The problem is that the ADFS wizard does not have any way to configure claims rules. As a result you get the standard set of claims in the JWT.

aud     8173...1501
iat     1494378378
exp     1494381978     1494378377
nonce     6362....NmVl     0JrA...H7k=     user1@dev.local     DEV\user1
c_hash     baOc...R8GA

The only user specific details are the "upn" and the "name".

But what if you want more?

You can use the "Web browser accessing a web application" profile as per this.

This profile achieves the result in a roundabout way:

"Behind the scenes, this template creates a native client and new app type called Web application, which is just a Web API with an Identifier (RPID) that matches the native client's client ID. This means the Web application is simultaneously client and resource, so you can assign issuance transform rules as you would with a Web API."

I configured some claims in the wizard:

Now when I authenticate, I get this:

aud     c906...3ab4
iat     1494379409
exp     1494383009     1494379408
nonce     6362...NTk2     PRUA...50U=     DEV\user1     user1@dev.local     User1     Test     User1 Test
apptype     Public
appid     c906...3ab4     urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:ac:classes:PasswordProtectedTransport
ver     1.0     openid
c_hash     -0ZX...Z81A

You will also notice that the apptype is "Public" i.e. a web site as opposed to "confidential" i.e. a web API.

I also answered a question in stackoverflow along these lines here.

As per the discussion from @Efrain:

"As indicated in @nzpcmad's answer, it appears that custom claims in the id_token using the default URL-parameter-encoded GET redirect is simply not supported. The reason for this may be that there is an URL length limit, but I find that quite questionable.

Anyway, apparently this restriction does not apply when the token is returned in a POST redirect. That's also why people describe it working just fine for MVC applications.

So I was able to work around the problem by redirecting the response to a back-end API endpoint (POST), which just redirects it to the front-end (SPA) again, but as a GET request with URL-encoded parameters:

public class LoginController : ApiController
    public HttpResponseMessage Login(FormDataCollection formData)
        var token = formData["id_token"];
        var state = formData["state"];
        var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Moved);
        var frontendUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ad:FrontendUri"];
        response.Headers.Location = new Uri($"{frontendUri}#id_token={token}
        return response;
Note that to change the response method from GET to POST, one simply has to add &response_mode=form_post to the OAuth request URL."


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